Northwestern Mutual
Before Northwestern Mutual ditched their old hardwired clock system they were plagued by out-of-sync, high maintenance clocks. A Primex wireless clock system, synchronized with GPS, helped organize their office.
The Problem
Northwestern Mutual holds up 600 meetings a day in one of their 153 conference rooms. In an environment like this, time management is essential. Still running on a hard-wired synchronized clock system that was designed in the late 1970s, Northwestern Mutual’s 20th century clock system just couldn’t keep up with the company’s 21st century mindset. Clocks at Northwestern had the tendency to “drift,” causing clocks on the facility to vary 3 to 5 minutes. The inconsistency caused meetings to run later than scheduled and eventually resulted manifested itself in poor productivity, daily complaints to facility managers, and hours of maintenance.
The Solution
Northwestern Mutual eventually chose Primex and the results have been staggering. Primex was able to install a system that met Northwestern Mutual’s specifications in less than 10 days so that the company could continue to conduct business without any major delays. The addition of Primex’s Wireless Clock System has also made life easier for the company’s facility managers. According to Greg Junek, Manager of Facility Technical Services, “We used to get seven calls a week from managers angry about clocks being off somewhere in the building. Now there are none. And if someone is late for a meeting, they can’t blame the clocks.”

- All of the facility’s 350 clocks are now synchronized.
- Angry phone calls to facility managers are now nonexistent.
- Maintenance costs for the Primex system is significantly cheaper than the previous hard-wire clock system.