University of Northern Iowa
An obsolete hardwired clock system was getting in the way of UNI's building projects; clocks around campus fell out-of-sync with each new renovation, causing problems for administrators, faculty, and students. The university installed the Primex ClassicSync clock system to fix the problem.
The Problem
The University of Northern Iowa is a top rated institution with an ever-evolving campus where renovations and technology upgrades can be seen throughout the 15-building campus. Unfortunately, the university’s hard-wire clock system was causing unnecessary delays for a number of the university’s projects. “Every time a clock was added or replaced, it required complicated wiring from the closest existing clock to the new clock,” explained John Streicher, an electrical engineer for the school.
To make matters worse, the out-of-sync clocks were also causing major delays for students and faculty. “Many students have back-to- back classes on opposite ends of the college campus,” said the university’s public relations director. “When the clocks are out of sync, classes don’t start or end on time and students arrive late.”
The Solution
After a thorough investigation of all the options available, the university installed Primex ClassicSync clock system because of its low maintenance costs, guaranteed accuracy, and easy installation. “We just hang them [the clocks] and go,” Steicher said. “There are no wires to pull.”

- All of the university buildings are synchronized to the same time
- The university’s renovations are no longer impeded by their clock system
- The university saves money because of the low maintenance costs
- All clocks automatically reset themselves for Daylight Saving Time