Better Prepare Your School for Summer with Primex Solutions

Better Prepare Your School for Summer with Primex Solutions

Sunshine, warmer weather, and the unmistakable buzz that fills every school during late May or early June can only mean one thing: school’s almost out for summer. As students start to clean out their lockers, sign each other’s yearbooks, and prepare for finals, school maintenance staff must also prepare their school for the summer months ahead.

As summer temperatures continue to rise year after year, school staff should be prepared to maintain a regulated indoor environment, not only for the school’s sake, but for any students or teachers attending summer classes.

Primex OneVue® technology can be just the resource to help facility managers protect their schools.

Automated IAQ Monitoring Helps Regulate Indoor Environments

As outdoor temperatures (and humidity levels in some regions) rise, so do those in classrooms, libraries, and gymnasiums. If inhabited by students and staff, a healthy learning environment depends on regulating indoor comfort levels to promote proper learning retention. However, empty schools still require a close eye to prevent problematic issues come fall.

Mold is one of those problematic issues. To be able to grow, mold requires oxygen, moisture, and a “food source.” Airborne mold spores land on a damp “food source” (e.g., space around windows, ceiling tiles, carpet, or near water fountains, etc.) and begin to digest it to survive and thrive. A key mold-prevention tactic is monitoring humidity to keep moisture levels as low as possible — making it more difficult for mold to grow.

But when schools are more likely to be empty during summer, how can staff monitor humidity levels? With Primex OneVue Sense® automated monitoring technology. A Primex OneVue Sense IAQ Temperature and Humidity Sensor measures indoor air conditions and relays readings to the Primex OneVue software platform, which is easily accessible on any device with a web browser. On-the-go, mobile readings allow maintenance staff to monitor conditions while away from the school. Plus, if the humidity or temperature rises above customized thresholds, users receive a real-time alert that allows for corrective action.

To boost airflow, limit moisture, and decrease humidity levels over summer, maintenance staff should ventilate bathrooms, dryers, and other avenues to the outdoors. If users receive a high-humidity alert from OneVue, corrective actions could include running dehumidifiers or air conditioners, if possible.

Catching Water Leaks Before It’s Too Late

Another tactic to prevent moisture is covering cold-water pipes with insulation to stop sweat from forming. Maintenance staff should perform regular checks in areas prone to leaks, as well, which could include bathrooms, faucets, roofs, HVAC rooms, and any areas where pipes are present. Staff of older schools should especially be cognizant of possible leaky plumbing.

Not only does unwanted moisture promote mold growth, but water can cause severe damage and costly repairs. During the summer months, when schools aren’t likely to have staff around every day, relying on a Primex OneVue Sense Water Leak Sensor can be a crucial part of protecting any school. Like the IAQ sensor, the water leak sensor can provide around-the-clock monitoring, deliver real-time alerts, and relay information to the web-based OneVue software platform. The water leak sensor can detect trace amounts of water and alert staff before a hopefully fixable leak turns into an expensive flood.

In addition to mold issues, summer thunderstorms can be a troublesome situation for schools during summer. With the ability to daisy-chain four water leak sensors together, staff can rest assured knowing they’ll receive an alert if any storms cause flash floods.

Get Peace of Mind with Primex

Whether your school’s maintenance staff is on-site all summer or vacant like students, Primex OneVue Sense automated monitoring can help provide peace of mind. Real-time alerts via text message, phone call, or email can provide early warning of mold-favorable and wet indoor conditions. Keep your school clean and dry this summer with help from Primex. Contact us today to learn more.

May 13, 2024
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