Benefits of Primex Wireless Clock Solutions Over Wi-Fi Clocks

Benefits of Primex Wireless Clock Solutions Over Wi-Fi Clocks

Upon first thought, the term “wireless clocks” in a facility sense may evoke obvious implications with Wi-Fi technology. Every day, most of us utilize Wi-Fi connections on our phones, tablets, computers, and other devices to access the internet for work and personal purposes. So, when discussing facilitywide synchronized wireless clocks, it can be natural to think that Wi-Fi might be your best option. However, other dependable and trustworthy synchronized clock systems exist, with Primex OneVue Sync™ technologies leading the way.

Which Wireless Synchronized Clock Systems Exist Besides Wi-Fi Clocks? 

Primex OneVue Sync offers two different wireless synchronized time solutions, each with distinct time dispersion technology, but both acquire time through a single network source.

  • First is Primex-patented 72 MHz technology. A Primex 72 MHz transmitter acquires the time through GPS or a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server before sending time via a 72 MHz frequency to all clocks within your building or campus. The longer wavelength of a 72 MHz transmission allows for better penetration of building materials (e.g., concrete), making for a dependable synchronized clock system. Plus, a single 72 MHz transmitter can have enough power to send time signal throughout entire campuses.

    This more trustworthy wireless clock system differs from a Wi-Fi clock system because a single Wi-Fi network typically can only send signal 150 feet indoors and 300 feet outdoors. This means a facility or campus will require multiple Wi-Fi range extenders throughout its entire footprint, which can greatly balloon the final cost of the system.

    Additionally, a Wi-Fi clock system usually requires a costly on-premise server, which often requires updates that fall on the users’ shoulders. The FCC-licensed 72 MHz technology is more straightforward. It simply uses a low-frequency radio signal — from a 1-, 5-, or 30-watt transmitter — to send synchronized time to all clocks. Primex provides all necessary channel programming to ensure proper FCC filing and licensing, which is good for ten years. 

    A Primex 72 MHz synchronized clock system usually requires less maintenance than a Wi-Fi clock system while simultaneously offering a less-bothered, dependable time signal. The ultimate benefit of a 72 MHz system is that Primex offers guaranteed coverage through a virtual site evaluation from an in-house engineer. If a clock within your facility or campus fails to receive a wireless time signal, Primex will provide a signal repeater free of charge.
  • The second wireless synchronized clock system from Primex is the Bluetooth® Low Energy solution. The OneVue Sync Bridge acquires time through an NTP server and utilizes a low-energy Bluetooth® mesh network to communicate synchronized time to each clock within a facility.

    The low-energy network does wonders for battery life, as Primex Bluetooth® Low Energy clocks “check in” to its mesh network once daily to acquire time and send a status report to the web-based OneVue® software platform. Batteries within Primex Bluetooth® Low Energy analog clocks have a life expectancy of five years, whereas Wi-Fi clocks’ batteries usually last only two years, as they are continuously draining due to the around-the-clock connection to the Wi-Fi network.

    The status report also provides insight into every clock throughout a system. Within the mobile-friendly OneVue software platform, users can read clock reports about whether they’re synchronized as they should be or need troubleshooting. Each clock can be labeled, which is helpful when low-battery warnings appear within reports. Maintenance staff will know exactly where to go to change batteries. No more getting on a ladder to check each and every clock!

Primex Offers Secure Wired Synchronized Time, As Well

Furthermore, as more and more devices utilize Wi-Fi, facility systems could get bogged down, impacting clocks’ ability to remain synchronized and provide time. System latency isn’t an issue with Primex wireless clock solutions, nor is it an issue with the Primex wired solution: Power over Ethernet. Clocks — whether analog or digital — within this PoE solution receive both time and power from new or existing ethernet cables for a secured, wired solution.

Primex team members are ready to help you determine which synchronized clock solution best fits your facility. Contact us today to get started and learn more about the benefits Primex solutions offer over Wi-Fi clock systems.

May 20, 2024
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