OneVue just keeps getting better! We have some new enhancements and features to share from our May release. I hope you’re feeling the benefit of these changes – from February, April or this May release.
NEW! Alert Evaluation Report
Alarm fatigue is a big deal. It’s been listed on the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals and the 2019 goals note “…it is important for a hospital to understand its own situation and to develop a systematic, coordinated approach…”
For temperature sensors (and only temperature sensors) reporting to OneVue, we have created a new “Alarm Evaluation Report” which may be created on the Reports Screen. This report summarizes the data associated with a particular sensor and gives simple recommendations for what to check if you have a refrigerator that is set too high or low, a sensor that is frequently unresponsive or a battery that is low.
An example is shown below to give you an idea of what type of data can be obtained. I know it can be difficult to find time to page through all your sensors. But we want you to be successful when using OneVue and find these types of periodic reviews can really help sites stay organized and aware of their troublesome spots.
I hope this report helps you! If you have feedback, send me an email –

Alert Email Notifications Now Contain the Time the Alert Started
We know our users are busy and sometimes have to make tough priority decisions on what problem you tackle next. We try to send as much relevant information as possible in our email alerts to allow you to assess the urgency of a message and received the feedback that knowing what time a given alert started would be helpful. We appreciated the feedback and you’ll now see that time on the emails you receive during an alert.
More Alert Rule Escalation Options
We encourage users to employ escalations as a last resort – if you have OneVue configured properly (and you should use the new Alert Evaluation Report if you’re not sure you do!), the alerts OneVue generates matter and should be addressed as quickly as possible. But we realize that in some emergencies, even the escalation alert notification to a manager or backup person may not result in action. . For those ultra-critical assets, you can now configure an Alert Rules with an additional escalation, so you can backup your back-up. That option is on the alert rules profile page for normal scheduling and has not yet been enabled for team scheduling. If you’d use this feature for teams, please let me know!
Behold – Business Unit Admins Become More Powerful
I admit it – the workflow for adding a new user as a Business Unit Admin was pretty bad. You could add a user, but they appeared at the account level. So your Account Admin had to move your new users to the proper business unit in order to finish the job.
Now BU Admins can check a box to “Set Business Unit Roles Manually” when creating a user! When you do, additional fields appear below that line and you can use the drop-down fields to assign users to the Business Unit they are responsible for. Note that you will see all Business Units in the account, but ones you don’t have rights to will be greyed out.

Smaller (but still mighty!) Updates
- The OneVue Audit Report had a number associated with a sensor that was hard to decipher. That linking nomenclature has been changed to the last 4 digits of the sensor’s 12-character Device ID (MAC address), so that you can more easily track what changes were made to which device by which user.
- The Monitored Asset State History report is now available in CSV (comma separated variable) format so users can download and sort, filter, or highlight certain data.